At the University of Mary Washington

  • 100-level
    – Math 115 (Introduction to Mathematical Modeling – SI*)
    – Math 121 (Calculus I; 3 credits)
    – Math 121 (Calculus I; 4 credits)
    – Math 122 (Calculus II; 3 credits)
    – Math 122 (Calculus II; 4 credits)
    – Math 122 HN (Honors Calculus II; 4 credits)

* Speaking Intensive Course

  • 200-level
    – Math 223 (Calculus III)
    – Math 224 (Multivariable Calculus; 3 credits)
    – Math 224 (Multivariable Calculus; 4 credits)
  • 300-level
    – Math 312 (Differential Equations)
    – Math 351 (Numerical Analysis I)
    – Math 352 (Numerical Analysis II)
    (this is offered by me for the first time)
  • 400-level
    – Math 421 (Applied PDE)
    – Math 461L (Partial Differential Equations: Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation)
    (this is a newly developed course at UMW)
    – Math 471 (Real Analysis I)
    – Math 472 (Real Analysis II – WI**)
    – Math 491 (Independent Study)
    – Math 492 (Honors Thesis – WI)
    ** Writing Intensive Course

At Sogang University

  • Undergraduate Level
    – MAT 3450 (Computational Mathematics and Application)
  • Graduate Level
    – MAT 6241 (Applied Mathematics)

At Iowa State University

  • Math 142 (Trigonometry with Analytic Geometry)
  • Math 165 (Calculus I)
  • Math 166 (Calculus II)
  • Math 265 (Calculus III)
    (Calculus I, II, and III at ISU are equivalent to all classes in our calculus sequence at UMW)